Since 1995, IMG has been the professional's choice for programmable & customizable on screen keyboard utilities (also known as a virtual keyboard or touch screen keyboard).
We are the primary supplier of on screen keyboard user interfaces to major Automation, Field Service, Handheld, HMI, Industrial, Instrument, In-Vehicle, Kiosk, Laboratory, Medical, Military, Mobile,
Public Safety / EMS, Rugged, SCADA, Tablet, Touchscreen, Ultra Mobile, Voting, Wearable, and Whiteboard system manufacturers, software publishers, and end-users worldwide.
Build-A-Board is the ultimate Do-it-Yourself on screen keyboard user interface, a culmination of years of experience
working with OEM's, system integrators, and endusers of IMG's My-T-Soft® family of on screen keyboard utilities. Whether you need a simple panel, keypad,
multiple custom layouts, L-shaped, wrap around, or cross-platform support, Build-A-Board is your solution.
My-T-Soft® offers a Ready-to-Run on screen keyboard user interface with infinite sizing, integrateabilitiy,
over 200 US & international layouts, and hundreds of customer requested feature options that only a well established, mature product can offer.